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Saturday, March 20, 2010

.....Second Perspective....

Hi There...

It's been a long time..i haven't written

anything.What i'v been doing these days?

Nothing.Actually nothing.Or something

very important...Hmmm...Confused...??

Don't be.There comes a time when one

needs to be calm and sane..and needs to

enjoy the serenity of life..Rather than just

running and running after so called ''DREAMS''

and ''SUCCESS''.You might be thinking,i'v

always talked about ideal things and decipline

so far...but there are always two sides of a coin.

The famous writer GEORGE BARNARD SHAW has

confessed '' Descipline restrict life......''

No doubt that for success in life we need

DESCIPLINE.But without descipline we can

reach the higher level of EXCELLENCE.

Sometimes Life just needs to flow,

Without any blockage of strict mundane

rituals..Have you ever thought what comes

next, when all Dreams are realised and Goals

are achieved? i remmember one more

quote of G.B.SHAW..''what is life but a

series of inspired follies? The difficulty

is to find them to do.''

So Let the LIFE flow...Explore it more and more.

Remmember There is more fun in working

your way towards success rather than

in goal itself..keep this journey slow

and seren.Enjoy each and every view.

Sometimes Lethargy doesn't really harm!


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